Saturday, August 1, 2009

Can being hypnotized cure a cat and dog hair alergey?

Have a friend that loves pets,but says can't be around them. I think it in thier head as an emotional problem.

Can being hypnotized cure a cat and dog hair alergey?

You may want to check into NAET which is a method of allergy elimination that uses accupuncture to help the body reintegrate the allergins so that they are no longer recognized as "enemies"...It worked for me - I had suffered form seasonal allergies for YEARS and now I am mostly allergy free...pretty cool stuff.

check it out on the web

it can also work if the allergy is emotionally based as you think it might clears you on many levels.

Good luck!

Can being hypnotized cure a cat and dog hair alergey?

allergy is a problem of immune system, not head or even nerves.

You might as well try to cure AIDS by hypnosis.

Can being hypnotized cure a cat and dog hair alergey?

Hypnotism *might* allieviate your friend's "problem"...but if it does, you can be pretty sure he or she never actually had an allergy in the first place.

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