Saturday, August 1, 2009

What infection causes a dog to have bumps, throw up.also have lost a little dog hair?

You should go and ask your vet....

Seriously, we are not veterinarians here, just do the right thing and ask your! Don't make your dog suffer while you mess around on YA....jeeze!

What infection causes a dog to have bumps, throw up.also have lost a little dog hair?

Bumps and losing hair can be multiple things including mange, skin infections, allergies, fleas, etc. I would definitely take the dog in to the vet and have it checked out. I personally have no expereince with a dog having hair loss/bumps and throwing up and it being related to each other but throwing up can be caused by multiple things as well and is not good as dogs can dehydrate easily. Also if it is demodex mange (hereditary - non contagious) then it usually shows up when your pet is stressed or has a weakened immune system (such as sickness)

What infection causes a dog to have bumps, throw up.also have lost a little dog hair?

Oh, yeah, that. It's the Takemetothevet Infection.

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