Monday, July 27, 2009

Follow up on shaving a dog's hair?

i just would like to thank those who share their insights and ideas on my query on shaving a dog's hair. to those who negatively answer my question i would like to say that I did not take my dog for granted. he was given to me 2 months ago he was then 2 years old and the previous owner did not groomed his hair eversince thats why his hair was matted and tangled.ive been a dog owner for almost 10 years now and never did i take my dogs for granted nor am i a bad dog owner. its just that this is my first time to have one of my dogs hair shaved thats why iam worried. i was reading this negative answers and iam dismayed by some of those who lack further judgement and understanding on this matter.

Follow up on shaving a dog's hair?

Didn't see the first question, but don't worry about the negative people. I have five dogs and shave them every summer. Two of them are shih tzus. I shave them May through September. They love it! It means they can play outdoors without the fear of getting matted and overheated. If the weather gets chilly, I pop a doggy sweater on them. The oldest is 16 and it hasn't hurt her in all these years! The hair grows so fast that by the time Christmas rolls around, it's all back!

If the poor dog was matted, you did the right thing. Mats and "hot spots" are far worse than being shaved!

Follow up on shaving a dog's hair?

I dont think I answered your question but when you ask in this kind of forum your have to expect the good with the bad. I am sure you did the best you could for this dog and I have no doubt that all will turn out well for all.

Have a great holiday!

Follow up on shaving a dog's hair?

dont shave a dog! they get cold

Follow up on shaving a dog's hair?

Too bad you got slammed.

Man, I've shaved a few dogs that were matted to the point of looking like a thick chunk of 100 year old rug. It's rough on the animal but oh-so necessary! Can you imagine the freedom of movement the dog has now?

However, the dog is probably feeling quite exposed.

I agree with the answer about getting him a sweater. Cozy him up until he grows out.


Follow up on shaving a dog's hair?

I didn't realize you posted this question twice. I want you to return to your original question and read it again.............Then you will understand the negative answers you received.

I see you are new here. Or, you were removed and you are returning. When you post a question always read it over and use spell check. Do the same when you answer a question.

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