Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.

I have a Toy Poodle X Shih-Tzu (Shoodle) and she doesn't shed hair, neither of those breeds do........

I think a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel would be good as a family dog..... (used to own one)

Poodles are smart but Border Collies are the smartest dog you can get :-)

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

We have a pugapoo, which is a mix between a pug and a poodle. I know it sounds hideous, but it is the cutest dog ever. He is so smart and lovable. His fur is hypoalergenic and it does not shed. He looks a lot like a wire-haired terrier. He is very low to the ground and very solid, so he can roughhouse with the kids, but he does not take the work that a large dog requires.

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

Well i am alergic to dogs as well and i bought a Coodle. Which is a Cavalier cross poodle and it doesnt shed hair, is very playful and friendly and also is just good company with a good nature. There is also many other dogs that are like this but after research i found this breed to be the best one for me anyways

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

No dog is hypoallergenic, but some come close.

I breed pugs and chinese cresteds.

Pugs are awesome dogs for kids, and thrive in homes with children, but they shed a lot and are not good for allergies.

Chinese Cresteds are super silly and fun dogs that love kids and the whole family. They are as close to hypoallergenic that a dog can be. They come in two varieties, hairless and puffed. The hairless have basically no hair on the main body but do on the head and tail and feet, super cute. The puffs have a full coat of hair. I have severe allergies and even the puffs don't bother me at all. This is the only breed I have tolerated with no side effects.

A second generation golden doodle is the next closest thing to allergy free.

Some of the toy breeds have hair instead of fur and that usually works much better for allergies.

Good luck!!

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

labradors, and retrievers i like

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

A Poodle. Although I have never owned one I know that they are the best dog for allergy sufferers and they don't shed. They are also the most intelligent breed of dog you can get ( that is why they are used in so many circuses as they are so easy to train).

There are a number of different sized Poodles but the standard one is the one that would suit you and your kids.

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

The best option for you allergy wise, would be a poodle. They come in several sizes so you can find just the right size for you. My sister breeds toy poodles, and she also has a son with severe allergies. Her poodles do not bother his allergies and are great with all of her kids (ages 7, 5, and 4.) If you are wanting a dog that is good with your kids I would not suggest going too small though. Some toy poodles are too small for rough kids, and get nervous around too much noise. Please do not follow what the other people have said on here and get a "designer breed" such as a puggle, schnoodle, etc. These dogs are labeled as hypoallergenic alot of the time, but they are not! If you are going to get a mixed breed dog find one at your local shelter. The people breeding these mixes are irresponsible, bad breeders. Anyone breeding these mixes are only contributing to other mixed dogs being killed every day, and are contributing to major health defects. They are in it for the money, not the love of their breed. Sorry for the rant, but irresponsible ignorant so called "breeders" really aggrevate me. If you want more info on what type of dog would fit your family, contact a vet in your area. They will be able to help you pick something that will fit your family perfect. I would say your best bet though would be a poodle in the size of your choice.

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

Labs and Golden Retrievers r great with kids. Poodles do not shed, but can be rather high strung, more suitable for adults. As a thumb of rule, big dogs r protective of kids, while small breeds r usually a one person dog who can be snippy with children.

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

Go to YAHOO! and type in "dog breed selector" Several questionnaires will come up. They will ask you about your lifestyle and preferences. This should give you a good idea about the breed good for you. Once you get it narrowed down, go to and look at the breed standard. then you may want to volunteer at a shelter or rescue so you can meet the dogs in person and see if you connect. Another resource might be to go to a dog show. Whatever you do, don't go to a pet shop or a backyard breeder

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

furless dog ! is the best ! i saw it from tv it is call chinese-crested-dog

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

Most kid friendly that are also low allergy: Poodles, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Portugese Water Dog. NO dog is hypo-allergenic, but these come closest:

Don't believe anyone about the 'poo' mixes: it is genetically impossible to guarantee they will not be more allergy-inducing %26amp; shedding like the other part they are: Labrador, etc. - they are marketed with these lies by scam artists to gullible people - any vet would tell them the truth, if they had only asked.

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

I have an American Eskimo and he is so friendly! He is an all white dog but is surprisingly clean. I read that they are good for people with allergies.

What is the most kid friendly dog? And which kind of dog hair or fur is best for an allergic person.?

Well, I don't know how many breeds out there are suitable for allergy sufferers but if you are looking for a dog that is both kid friendly and good for someone with allergies then I would suggest a standard poodle. Besides the grooming needs they require, poodles are extremely intelligent and do not shed. Toy and Minature poodles are great too but if you have small children then the standard would be best. Good luck!

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