Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog? Where getting him shaved for the summer soon and he's getting a mohawk. Cool huh?

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

That should be okay. Just be sure you don't put it anywhere he can lick it off. Also, if you are going to be shaving him, you should put sunblock on him since he won't have his natural defense against the sun.

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

It's probably okay as long as you don't get it in the eyes, but I'm no veterinarian.

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it Damages the skin. sorry. From Rachel Smith

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

i guess thats pretty cool. it should be ok on his skin and hair but unless you have tried it befor and something went wrong, i would try. but if i were you i would do it, no big deal

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

I would have to say No, and to be safe you should ask your vet. You cannot really use human stuff on animals as they like there self to groom all the time.

Good Luck

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

Yea, but still, why would you want to gel your dog?

He won't like it and I'm not so sure it won't hurt him, either.

Of course, you wouldn't be able to claim that the product wasn't tested on an animal ........

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

So try this, squirt a bunch of hair gel in your hand and then lick is ALL OFF. How does it make you feel? As cute as mohawks are, I'm sure you don't want to make your dog sick. Because a sick dog with a mohawk is not cute. You might not just be making him sick, hair gels can be toxic. I'm sure you don't want a dead dog after going through all the trouble of getting him all cute.

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

they make hair style stuff for dogs cause the stuff for people might make dogs sick because they will like it off

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

No,no, no. Most every hair gel contains alcohol and additives that are not meant to be digested- especially in cats and dogs, these are poisonous additives that can be licked or absorbed into skin.

You can buy products like that which are made for pets.

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

No, never put stuff like that on an animal. You can tease his hair though!

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

Your best bet is to take it to a groomers to get it done and they can use a type of "hairspray" for dogs.

Is it safe to put hair gel on my dog?

No. It will dry their skin and just think about how much your dog licks himself a day. You wouldn't want to eat hair gel would you? Maybe they will come out with hair gel for dogs? I mean they have clothes, shoes and purses.

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