Thursday, July 23, 2009

What can i do with dog hair?

After I brush my dogs fur what can I do with the fur other than throwing it away? Is it good to throw it in the yard for birds or something?

What can i do with dog hair?

You could add it to a compost pile.. Put it in your yard for birds and things to use for a nest. You could make make yarn and then knit a sweater for your dog.. ( talk about recycling!! ) If you have enough of it.. you could stuff homemade dog toys.. or homemade dog beds.

I dunno.. but i should look into it too.. as I have 6 dogs and 2 cats.. and some bunnies! LOL

Good luck!

What can i do with dog hair?

yeah thats what i do

brush em outside

then a little rinse

id get a product called burz off

its a rock that is all textured and takes all the shedding out

What can i do with dog hair?

I think the best thing you can do is throw it away. There isn't much you can do with the dead hair that comes off of a dog after it's been brushed.

What can i do with dog hair?

You could give it to the birds for their nesting. If you have any hamsters, rabbits or chinchillas then you could give it to them for a nest for sleeping in.

What can i do with dog hair?

Here's 2 stories of people who made sweaters out of yarn made from shed cat and dog hair!

More practically, you could scatter the fur around your garden. The smell of the dog might scare away rabbits, deer, or other critters who want to eat your plants.

What can i do with dog hair?

Birds do like to use it for nests, and if you have a double coated breed, such as a sheltie ;o), collie, St. Bernard, golden, samoyd, etc., you can keep the undercoat you have brushed out to be spun into yarn for knitting. :-) Our National has a booth for rescue each year, and a few of our rescue folks make dog hair itmes for sale to benefit rescue. You mighjt want to see if your breed does the same. Dog fur yarn items can be great keepsakes for people when their dog passes away.

What can i do with dog hair?

it also makes good rabbit deterant.

we spread it around our garden so the rabbits don't nibble.

What can i do with dog hair?

I always threw it away after I brushed him, until, I saw the birds landing on the porch to pick up the stray hair from him going in and out so much. Now, about twice a week and more often in the winter, I put the hair in a little corner of the porch that's out of sight from everyone else. I'm not sure if the wind has blown it away or not, but it's always gone when I check on it. I like to think that the birds have taken it.

What can i do with dog hair?

I've joked about making a pillow out of my dog's hair, but putting it out for birds seems to be the best option so far, unless you're in to spinning. :)

What can i do with dog hair?

Well if you have a garden and are having problems with bunnies or squirrels digging, just take some dog hair and spread it around to keep them from digging again.

What can i do with dog hair?

Long ago people put the hair they cut under a rose bush to make it grow strong and produce better. I guess dog hair would work also.

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