Monday, July 27, 2009

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

I recently started cleaning a house once a week. The owners have two chocolate labs. They shed like CRAZY. I vacuum the living room and the dog hair just doesnt pick up. I've tried several different vacuumes (Thinking that maybe one of them was broken/not working efficently) and none of them picked up! I even tried using a brand new 600 dollar vacuume that picks up like everything else i've ever vacuumed.

I tried using a hard bristle broom to sourt of rake the hair into a pile so that i could pick it up with my hand. It didnt work. I actually ended up on my hands and knees pickiing up dog hair from the living room floor.

Is there an easier way to get this done?

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

I have a long hair dog and it is impossible to use a vacuum. I bought a broom with large plastic bristles that works great. I pull in near the edge of the carpet and vacuum. It also loosens up other hair and dirt!

Mine looks like the one on this website:

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

a lint roller or any large tape like duct tape or try a damp mop it might get it rolled into hair balls that are easier to pick up

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

I have four Saints, a Chocolate Lab and more. The only thing that works around here is a shop vac. Regular vac's only last about six months, regardless of brand. I also use a floor roller after I am done with the vacuum. Its just like one of those regular clothes rollers but much larger. It only last about 10 minutes and the hair tumble weeds return. I've just learned to vacuum often and live with it. If you cant handle hair don't come visit me.......LOL

PS: People are much more grossed out by the drool.

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

use a brush, like the one you use to clean the bathroom. use the one with a long handle so that you dont have to go down on your knees.

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

I use the Dyson Animal. I have 4 dogs 3 cats and it does an amazing job.

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

We use the Dyson Animal DC14 it does a great job. A friend of mine uses a Dyson Animal DC07 it also does a good job. We both own Labs, all 3 colors. A Dyson is not like any other vacuum. It is at a level of it's own. We sold our $2,000 vacuum and used the money to buy the Dyson Animal cause it did a better job. Had money to spare.

I would take back what you bought and get a Dyson Animal or sell what you got on ebay and get a Dyson Animal.

No, I don't work for Dyson or sell vacuums.

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

by the new carpet and put the dog outside in backyard!

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

two words- masking tape

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

Brush it. We brush the carpets from the dog hair before we vacuum. It makes a big difference in how the vacuum works too. The hair balls up in in and we just throw it away.

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

This is too easy, I just hope I can help you find the tool you need :) It's a rubber broom, and they use them in hairdressing salons. When I lived in the states, they were available (I think) at dollar tree. I will link you to a photo of one of them so you know what to look for, you will NEVER look back. They are fantastic, no-one would know just how many pets I have ;)

How to get dog hair off the carpet when a vacuum wont do the job?

One of those lint rollers might work.

If that doesnt work, try using the dog's brush. The kind with the metal teeth. It might work, if your carpet is too delicate. The hairs will get caught onto the teeth and you can just use your hands to remove it from the brush.

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